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Sync Magazine -- Academic And Career Planning Center

Item: CBC1500

Filled with six editions of our teen-focused Sync magazines, this convenient "help-yourself" center delivers crucial advice to help adolescents focus on the future. Ideal for counters and tabletops, the center measures 22 1/2" high x 26 3/4" wide x 9" deep. It includes 50 copies each of 6 different magazines, and 3 copies of an attention-getting poster. All magazines are 12 pages, 8 1/2" x 11". Refill (CBC1501). Retired Item Number: 92203

Product components: Sync Magazine  School Attendance And Your Success (CBC1343), Sync Magazine  Managing Time Well (CBC1345), Sync Magazine Mastering Study Skills (CBC1346), Sync Magazine  Planning For Test Success (CBC1348), Sync Magazine  Prepping For College (CBC1338), Sync Magazine  Training For A Skilled Career (CBC1341).
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1 2 - 3 4 - 9 10 - 19 20 - 49 50+
Price $ 905.27 $ 839.75 $ 796.07 $ 741.47 $ 599.51 $ 599.51